

1、I am tearing my hair out.(我紧张得直抓狂。)

2、I am anxious.(我很焦躁。)

3、 I am like an ant on a hot pan.(我急得象热锅上的蚂蚁。)

4、I am a bundle of nerves.(我紧张不安。)

5、I am having kittens (我心慌意乱。)

6、I am on tenterhooks.(我担心得如坐针毡。)

7、Their anxiety was such that they could not sleep .(他们如此焦虑,难以入睡。)

be anxious to 急于, 渴望

anxious to 渴望(做...)

be anxious for v. 渴望,担忧

anxious for 为...而焦虑

be anxious about v. 渴望,担忧

anxious bench 教堂内位于讲台近旁急于忏悔的教徒的座位

be anxious to do 急切希望(做)..., 很想(做)...

be anxious to please 急于讨好

anxious seat n. 焦急不安

on the anxious seat 如坐针毡,焦急不安